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Wisconsin, United States

Friday, July 30, 2010

Painting Pride

I made a judgement call and decided not to leave the crayons out in the easel everyday. Charley was drawing on the walls. It was really cute because she would color and then go get the Magic Eraser to clean it up. But as cute as it was, I didn't want her coloring the entire playroom. So we took down the easel and put away the crayons for use only under supervision. But yesterday I decided to let her try a painting project. She doesn't like her fingers dirty so I didn't know how she would like it. She loved it. She used up all the paint I had given her and asked for more.

It held her attention for so long that I got the dishes done and still had time to teach her colors while she painted. Today, she saw her painting hanging up in the kitchen and I could tell...

she was proud of her artwork!

1 comment:

  1. She reminds me so much of Hayden when he was her age. I used to have to hide the crayons or that is all he would do... color.

    Great Art. :)
