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Wisconsin, United States

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Singing the Christmas Blues

Don't get me wrong, I was totally into Christmas this year. Just before Thanksgiving, I made the decision to try to make the majority of my gifts this year. I came up with some great (no, awesome) ideas and after I enjoyed my favorite holiday and the deliciousness that is turkey and sweet potatoes, I geared up for the amount of work that I would have to do in the next 30 days. I was one of those people listening to Christmas music the day after Thanksgiving. I braved the single digit temperatures to wait outside for the Black Friday sales. This year I was putting in 110% effort because Charley is at the age where she sort of gets it.

1st week of December went according to schedule. I purchased all of my materials for homemade gifts and started finalizing the details in my head.

2nd week of December we put up and decorated our tree! Oh, and I found out that I needed to have my wisdom teeth removed (before the end of the year!) So, I called and set up an appt. Of course, at this late notice, all they had available was the 21st or the 31st. Well, New Years Eve we're having guests, so that's a no. It'll have to be the 21st. No problem, I'll get everything done for Christmas before then and I can sit back and relax for the last week. (And watch the last minute panic of those who procrastinate. HAHAHAHA)

3rd week of December little miss got a flu bug and she laid around/rested for 2-3 days. This was the down time I needed to finish all the projects I had lined up. I ended up only making half of the needed gifts, but it's better than last year. As the week came to an end, I wrapped said gifts and readied myself for tooth extraction.

4th week is Christmas week! Still in the Christmas spirit, I check off the last of my to-do list and get ready to spend 3 days resting/recovering.

See, here is where my holiday spirit took a nose-dive. I came out of the surgical procedure and heard my husband say the phrase that I have heard all my life "Your teeth were a little difficult." Instead of healing in 36 hours like the lucky bastard that is my husband, I am now 2 1/2 days past extraction and still cannot feel my bottom lip, have excruciating pain in my jaw, and look like a Mack truck drove into my face.

I don't feel very Christmas-y right now. I'm debating whether I even want to spend Christmas with the 4 different sides of family.

I suppose if I could get some sleep, my Christmas spirit would eek a little higher on the radar, but as of right now, I want to punch anyone who says "Merry Christmas!"